martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

ele possible!

un dibujillo rapido para el blog semanal de los distraidos...el tema: tu mismo en version personaje de ficcion o super heroe. Yo he tirado por el estilo Kim possible (por que todas las chicas querriamos ser tan guays y tener un amigo con un topo calvo!!) he qedado super cejona!
Just a quickie for the weekly blog i keep with my friends....the topic: draw our selves as if we were a fiction character or super heroe. I went for the Kim Possible style (because every girl wants to be as cool as she is and have a friend with a bald rat!)...somehow i managed to give myself one ENORMOUS eyebrow....

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

la princesa y el guisante-princess and the pea

Os dejo con una ilustracion editorial. Yo escogi un tema infantil, concretamente el cuento de la princesa y el guisante. la version de la izquierda es el original (acuarelas) simplemente escaneado; la de la derecha lleva unos retoques de photoshop...basicamente dandole una vuelta diferente al fondo!

Here's a new ed. illustration. I chose a child's story for this one, the tale of the princess and the pea!! The princess on the left its the original (watercolors), and the other one its a slightly photoshoped vesion of it. Hope you people like it!

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

mas fotillos-more photos

Mas fotillos de estudio...esta vez de mi amigo Pablo! garcias por posar loco!

Again i leave you with some studio photos...this time the model was my dreadlocked friend Pablo! thanks for posing man!

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009


Este es un dibujillo que he hecho rapidillo para el blog semanal que hemos emepzado los chavales de mi clase...esta vez el tema era todo lo relacionado con el surf y con hawai! quien pudiera pillarse unas buenas vacaciones no?


Well this is a little drawing i did for a weekly blog that i started along with some of my classmates...every week we switch the person who picks the topic...and this time it was about surfing and Hawai! i wish i could be there right now!